
Before a news hire can become a productive part of an organization, he or she must learn the culture of the organization, as well as how “thing are done”. This learning process ...

Assumptions of Socialization

There are five assumption of socialization, if these assumptions are true and positive, socialization efforts may be successful. Otherwise it may be a burden for the employees. In the ...

Process of Socialization

Socialization process may be short or long. If the entrants can adjust with the environment the process may be short. Otherwise it may be along. It depends on the will and ability to ...

Induction of Employee

This is the last activity in relation to a newly employed person before he is trained for his job. Induction Meaning: Induction of Employee is the first step towards gaining an employees’ ...

Activities of HRM

Major HR Management Activities 1. Strategic HR Planning and Analysis a) HR Planning : Human resource planning is the continuous process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use ...

Function of HRM

Human resource management performs quite a few useful functions in order to achieve its objectives. These functions have been categorized by Decenso and Robins as: (adsbygoogle ...

Objectives of HRM

The needs and desires of the employers and also of the employees have been rapidly changing over the decades and for various practical reasons the human resources have become the most ...

Human Resource Management

One of the most important resources of an organization is its people. Employees supply the talent, skills, and creativity and exert the effort and leadership that contribute to the ...

Human Resource Management Model

The Human Resource Management model contains all Human Resource activities. When these activities are discharged effectively, they will result in a competent and willing workforce who ...

Career Management

Career: Career can be defined as a general course of action a person chooses to pursue throughout his or her working life We may define career as the “occupational positions ...
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