What are some helpful interview tips?

Tips for the successful job interview include researching the employer and the job in advance, arriving on time, dressing appropriately, authentically engaging with the interviewer and answering questions truthfully and succinctly, while highlighting related skills and experience. Pre-interview tips include preparing answers to commonly asked interview questions and preparing questions to ask the employer. Interacting with everyone cordially and politely, even before entering the interview room, and shaking hands before and after the interview help ensure a good first impression.

Being able to clearly articulate why your skills and experience are a good fit for a position requires a solid understanding of the job opportunity and how it fits into the employer’s broader goals and objectives. Most interviews include questions about why an applicant is interested in the position, what her long-range career goals are and what she sees as her strengths and weaknesses. Being prepared for these questions in advance and ready to describe a personal success and a past challenge are good tips for reducing interview anxiety. Making eye contact with the interviewer and speaking clearly and energetically when answering questions projects confidence and ensures that the interviewer can hear the answers.

Other interview tips to remember are: go in with a positive attitude, don’t talk negatively about past employment, avoid appearing over-anxious to be hired and always thank the interviewer.

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