Who will do Performance Appraisal?

Establishment of performance evaluation policies will deal first with selecting person/persons to evaluate employee performance. Variety of people may appraise individual performance. They include:
Immediate Supervisor (line manager) Appraisal Appraisals by the employee’s immediate supervisor are the most common. Immediate supervisor of the employee evaluates the performance of his subordinates on the basis of his/her observation over a stipulated period which is generally one year. Here, the performance appraisal form is filled in and comments are noted in the form by the supervisor on his /her judgement and measure about the criteria of assessment mentioned in the appraisal form.

Peer Appraisal
Peer or co-worker of an employee appraises the performance of his/her colleagues by filling up and making comments on the criteria mentioned in the appraisal form. Colleagues work together and associated with both formal and informal manner very closely.

Self Appraisal
Self-evaluation or appraisal is a system where employee evaluates herself/himself with the techniques used by other evaluators. This is particularly so in organizations that aim to promote a less authoritarian culture and encourage employee participation and self-development . Will individuals rate themselves fairly? This question gives shade on the rightness of the appraisal method. Self assessment is not easy. A neutral, critical, evaluative, and logical mind is required to appraise one’s own performance. People may be bias to himself or herself.

Committee Appraisal
Group/ committee appraisalis made by a group of supervisors who have a close contact with the employees. A committee is constituted with supervisors from different departments/units of work in which the concerned employee /employees worked. This committee appraises the performance of the employee by mentioning their comments and filling appropriate places in the appraisal form.

Subordinate Appraisal
Subordinates of an employee give their assessment about the performance of their superior. It is an upward appraisal. It is not widely used like peer appraisal. The justification is that subordinates are in excellent position to appraise a manager’s leadership skills and ongoing performance. Subordinate evaluations are therefore a powerful indicator of how well the organization’s managers are perceived to be managing others).

Customer Appraisal
In this method, customers are involved in appraisal process. Here, customers or clientele who frequently interact with the employee for having service from the organization are given the appraisal form to fill in and to give comments on their own perception, understanding and judgement about the quality of the performance of the employee.

360-degree Performance Appraisal

It uses multiple appraisers, including supervisors, subordinates, and peers of the target person. 360-degree appraisal is a combination of approaches i.e. peer, supervisor, and subordinate appraisal, client, and self . In some cases, it also includes self-appraisals. This is a growing appraisal system to have information about a person in full circular fashion. It gives a total picture of the performance of the employee. So, assessment would be correct and valid.

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