Why Should We Hire You? Best Answer (Video)

Watch the best answers to the interview question why should we hire you, some sample answers for freshers and best answer for experienced including job interview tips with sample answers on why should we hire you with the best answer in the simplest format.

This is a very difficult question because –

1. It usually comes right at the end, when you have finished the technical parts of the interview and you think, ah! thank god it’s over and boom – why should we hire you
2. It also sometimes may mean that they have not been able to make up their minds about you. They may be confused and so they are giving you one last chance to sell yourself.
So in this video we will cover –
1. Structure of the answer
2. Lots of sample answers and ideas for many different types of jobs like sales jobs, 3D animators, technical writers, BPO jobs, accountants and more .
3. Some Rules and common mistakes.

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