Characteristics of SHRM

Strategic human resource management is the issue where the strategic approach to managing human resources is applied. Strategic human resource management possesses a number of distinctive features. These are highlighted below:

Recognition of the External Environment: The environment outside the organization sometimes brings opportunities for the organization, sometimes it becomes a threat. In this environment
The components are-
1. Law,
2. Economic situation,
3. Social and population change,
4. Domestic and international political power,
5. Technology etc.

Strategic human resource strategies consider the threats and opportunities in each area in detail and try to exploit the opportunities by minimizing the impact of the threats.

Impact of Competition: Competitive forces influence the organization’s human resource strategy to attract, reward, and employ employees. These forces influence the local, regional and national labor markets. The impact of labor market depends on wage rate, unemployment rate, working environment, level of facilities, minimum wage law, reputation of competition etc.

Long-range Focus: The long-term outlook helps determine the long-term direction, style and basic approach of the organization’s human resources. Strategies can be changed, but they are not always easy. It depends on the organization’s interest, variability and management philosophy.

Choice and Decision making focus: The organization employs a variety of key human resource decision-making strategies, so that employees are committed to that decision. In other words, the applied strategy must have a vision to solve the problem or prevent the problem. Strategy always begs the question, what does the organization want to do and why? The decision was taken with this question in mind and it was continued.

Consideration of all Personnel: The Human Resources Strategic Approach focuses on all employees of the organization, whereas traditional human resource management focuses only on practical employees.

Integration with Corporate Strategy: Human resource strategies must be integrated with the overall laws and regulations of the organization. That is, human resource strategy must be governed by the rules and regulations of the organization.

Establish Linkage Between HR Policy and Practices with Overall Organizational Aims and Environment: Human resource policy is formulated keeping in view the overall goals and environment of the organization. Human resource policy is not something separate or outside the organization. Because all kinds of activities are taken for the purpose of the organization.

Competency Based Performance Measure: In human resource strategic human resource management, the policy is determined in such a way that the work is determined according to the qualifications of the employees and then it can be measured and evaluated. In other words, in strategic human resource management, the qualifications of the employees are given more importance.

Strategic human resource management is a strategy that explains how the organization can be targeted using human resources. Strategic human resource management is the process of connecting human resources to the organization’s goals and objectives in order to develop performance and organizational cohesion that accelerate innovation, variability, and comparative advantage. In order to formulate it properly, some principles have to be followed. And the goal is to permanently achieve comparative advantage. Various experts have given favorable opinion in this regard. The main feature of strategic human resource management is that it takes into account the opportunities and threats of the internal and external environment. As a result it is more effective.

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