Discuss the function of Human Resource Management (HRM)

Several other functions are performed by HRM. These function are stated below:

1. Formulation of HR policies: HR manager should plan appropriate human resource policy in the organization and try to formulate it.

2. Procurement and selection of efficient employees: procurement and selection of efficient and skills human resources is another important functions of human resource management.

3. Guidance and placement: procured human resources should be given proper guidance and they should be placed at the desired position and place.

4. Training and Development: After recruiting and placing the employees in the right place the next step is to train and develop the Human Resource collected recently. There are different methods of training and development. “Training and Development means changing what employees know, how they work, their attitudes toward their work, or their interaction with their co-workers or supervisors.

5. Promotion and transfer: It is an incentive for the employees and necessary for the organizational improvement. Through promotion employees get higher salary and status. Through transfer employees may be placed at the proper position as desired by either the employees or employer.

6. Job Analysis: Job analysis is a systematic exploration of the activities within a job. It is a technical procedure used to define the duties, responsibilities and accountabilities of job. This analysis involves the identification description of what is happening on the job.

7. Maintenance of working environment: Maintenance of working environment is a must for every organization. Maintaining a healthy work environment not only a proper thing to do but it also benefits the employer, like-increase in productivity, increase positive attitude towards their organization.

8. Protection of Employees: Employees should be well protected. Without safety measure the human resources of the organization will not perform well/properly. Although safety is everyone’s responsibility, it should be part of the organization culture; top Mgt. must show its commitments to safety by providing resources to purchase safety devices and maintaining equipment.

9. Remuneration: Workers come to work in the organization for getting remuneration. Without remuneration Human Resources cannot work. The human resources should be given provided reasonable remuneration to work properly.

10. Employee services: They should be given service ‘packages to work properly. Employee services increase satisfaction of employees, attract and retain them to the organization for a long time.

11. Job and Merit evaluation: Without job evaluation efficiency cannot be judged. So employees jobs should be properly evaluated for placing them at the proper position of the organ gram. Similarly merit rating is done for selecting the employees for offering benefit packages.

12. Labor management relation: There is a need for good and harmonious organizational goal.

13. Workers participation: present age is democratic. Workers participation is an essential condition for taking decision and formulating rules and regulations. Because workers are the only source of energy for implementing organizational policies and operating machines and equipment and achieve.

14. Agreement with Trade Unions: T.U. is very powerful in the industrial context. Without satisfying the T. U. leaders the HR managers cannot run the org. properly. That is why acceptable agreement with the T.U. leaders is needed.

15. Leadership and co-operation: Without good leader an organization cannot run properly. It should be guided for ensuring co-operation. Without co-operation a leader cannot proper utilize the resources easily.

16. Providing benefits and rewards: For getting cooperation from the Human Resources the HR managers should provide them benefit packages and benefits.

17. Maintaining discipline: Discipline is essential for and organization to work properly. HR manages should take proper disciplinary action indiscriminately when indiscipline arises.

18. Career planning and development: HR managers should try to plan for the development of career of its HR’s. Career means the pattern of work related experiences than span the course of a personal life, Career development looks at the long term career effectiveness and success of organizational personnel.

19. Handling Grievances: HR managers should handle all source of grievance placed before them fact fully and carefully. Indiscipline and unrest may be corrected.

20. Reviewing employee needs: HR managers must monitor the employee needs time to time and try to satisfy the needs of employees. This can help the employees to realize that management gives them importance.

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