Industry 4.0 is a name for the current trend of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. It includes cyber-physical systems, the Internet of things, cloud computing and cognitive computing. Industry 4.0 creates what has been called a “smart factory”.

At its heart, Industry 4.0 is digital transformation applied to manufacturing – bringing with it all the change, opportunities and challenges that represents.

Industry 4.0 connects the supply chain and the ERP system directly to the production line to form an integrated, automated and, potentially, autonomous manufacturing processes that make better use of capital, raw materials, and human resources.

Industry 4.0 will empower manufacturers to redesign their operations and processes so they can be reconfigured as needed to produce multiple variants of a product like the sole of a running shoe or a cup of yogurt, or to produce one-off bespoke products without the need for manual intervention

In the above context, what is HR 4 G ?

HR 4 G is the the paradigm shift ,in which we see Human Resources Management in the changing Industry context.

This is meant for us to quickly align and reorient our HR systems and processes in line with Industry 4.0

The image below is an attempt to visually capture the paradigm shift in Human resources management , compared with Industry trend.

Are your interested to know as to What significant changes Industry 4.0 will cascade on our HR systems and processes ??

Industry 1.0 – Humans as ‘Factor of Production” . The most popular approach had propagated effective deployment and allocation of tasks as set out by FW.Taylor in his article on Scientific Management

Industry 2.0 – When Humans were deployed as Groups in Assembly lines in Engineering Industries the most popular studies and theories of that time came out with Group Incentive plans (scanlon) to motivate them and experiments like Hawthrone studies by Prof.Elton Mayo

Industry 3.0 – The advent of Automobile Industries needed highly skilled people and Individual motivation levels of people were critical and the most popular people management theories were relating to Motivation

Industry 4.0 – When manufacturing is moving to IoT ( Internet of Things), with knowledge workforce , how do we create a Ecosystem in our Organisation with more -Autonomy – Relatedness and Competence for Individuals – Without the direct Influence and Interference of HR and Leaders ??

Self-determination theory (SDT) is a macro theory of human motivation and personality that concerns people’s inherent growth tendencies and innate psychological needs.

It is concerned with the motivation behind choices people make without external influence and interference.

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