Tips for Interview

Here are some Tips/Guidelines that might help you prepare for a good interview: Arrive on time. Be punctual and attentive. Take your seat only when you are asked to take. Introduce yourself. Use positive vocal qualities and facial ex-pressions. Sit attentively to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm.

Bring along a watch, pen, and a pad of paper for taking notes. Don’t keep a purse, key chain, loose papers etc, in your pockets, if you can, it may detract from your professional image. Always take a few extra copies of your resume! Don’t keep your belongings like Files on the table. Keep them only on your lap until you’re asked to use the table.

Verbal Communication Skills: Listen carefully to what is being asked and answer the question. Ask for clarification if you don’t understand the question. Say ‘Pardon me, Sir’ or ‘Excuse me, Sir’. Give clear, concise answers. Use proper grammar. Be specific, refer to concrete experiences. Don’t ask about salary and benefits until the employer brings up the subject. Don’t take any interview very casually. Don’t talk to the interviewer the way you talk to any of your friends.

• Answer for a few very commonly asked questions like introduce yourself, family background, contribution to society etc. yourself, record them and hear them again and again to refine your skills.
• If you’ve a point to be conveyed, stay with the main point and ignore the unimportant ones. ~ Think about what an employer wants to know and prepare examples.
• Prepare a strategy for every interview; make sure you share the information that you feel is most appropriate and relevant. Be specific and keep to the point. Don’t bring up extraneous matters.
• Ask appropriate and well thought-out questions. Don’t expect an offer on the spot.
• Talk a bit, then pause. The pause indicates that now it is time for the other guy to talk.

Many times we come out of interviews, thinking they were perfect. And then we wait for the job offer, but it never happens. A few calls later you get the hint that the recruiter is not interested or is simply avoiding you, Or in larger organizations, you may get a regret letter. It’s natural to feel disappointed, but at the same time, it’s important to reflect on the interview, and analyze it again. Make it an opportunity to learn from your mistakes, Or understand that interviews are not one-way situations.

I went to a showroom to purchase a car. I found Maruti, Ford, Mercedes Benz, Toyota, Fiat, Ambassador, Santro and what not finally selected Maruti 800 and came out driving it. This deal does not mean that Mercedes Benz or Ford or Fiat are not good. They may be far better than Maruti, but were not selected by me. Gotit! You also may be like that for a few companies!

Attitude Problems: Sometimes, candidates may come across as arrogant and “know it all” h1 their approach, It may turn off the interviewer, and you must keep in mind that while they can afford to be self-centered, candidates cannot. Be a good listener – be courteous and curious with a pleasant face throughout while hearing. Sometimes the interviewer tries to explain about their company, their projects, their scholarly achievements etc. which may be very well known to you. Just listen to him courteously with a smile but never nod your head impatiently and never say ‘I know it, Sir’ ‘I know, I know’ or ‘Ok..Ok..Ok..OK ‘If you say so, it as bad as saying ‘I know it all Sir, You are boring me, Please stop it Sir!’ Similarly, don’t criticize the previous company or the people you worked with. Badmouthing others makes you look ugly – body and spirit.

Do Research on Background: Know something about the job, company or industry prior to the interview, Visit the library or use the Internet to research the company, then talk with friends, seniors and other professionals about the opportunity before interview.

Not Having Questions to Ask: Asking questions shows your interest in the company and the job. Prepare a list of intelligent questions in advance. See that the questions have fewer words, say maximum 10 words.

Not Readily Knowing the Answers to Interviewer’s Questions: Generally questions which you can answer easily only will be asked. Companies spend huge amounts on recruiting personnel and therefore’ conduct interviews only to select, not to reject. Also they want you to be in a very relaxed mood so that you can express your thoughts and ideas freely. That is why, questions like, Introduce yourself, What about your family background, Who is your favourite cine hero etc. are first asked. If you can answer these standard questions well, you are a free man to give your answers confidently. Also, when a question is asked, give a pause, think and tell. Don’t give an instantaneous answer even if you’ve a readymade answer. The inter- viewer wants to know how you think, how you formulate your responses and how you relate things. What will he do with the answer? Organization of thoughts is important, not the answer.

Too Much Humility: Candidates are sometimes reluctant to describe their accomplishments. Explaining how you reach difficult or impressive goals helps employers understand what you can do for them. So, reiterate your skills and convince the employers understand what you can do for them.

Handling Salary Issues: Candidates often ask about salary and benefits too early. If they believe and employer is interested, they may demand inappropriate amounts and spoil their opportunities. Candidates who ask for too little undervalue themselves or appear desperate. Use a little tact. Know when it’s right to talk money. And avoid showing how much you want the job to the point of underselling yourself.

Lack of Career Direction: Job hunters who are not clear about their career goals reveal their lack of direction and their inability to contribute to the growth of the organization.

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