Holistic Training Method

Most experts speak towards a person’s head, meaning their intellect, their brain. They give them data, ways to do things, and so on. But a transformational trainer using a holistic training method to speak to all 7 dimensions of a person’s being.

We are all made up of an intellect, so we have to address that with good content, good theory, and up-to-date research.

That’s where meditation, visualization, and goal setting come in. Plus, having a dream and trusting yourself. Transformational trainers can implant information into the subconscious mind so that people can clearly see themselves taking positive action and achieving the goals they seek, which is what all the great Olympic athletes do.

These are important, because if you don’t know how to deal with people’s emotions, it’s really hard to transform someone. We know that the emotions are the things that mainly trip people up, things like fear, sadness, grief, and resignation. If you can’t speak to that and deal with that, you’re going to have a difficult time being effective as a trainer, or any type of leader.

This is how we know without knowing how we know. Some of my best work, the title for Chicken Soup For The Soul came through intuition that I received in a meditation, and I visualized that series of books hitting the New York Times Best-seller list, which led to the brand being worth $100 million right now. So this should be evidence to you just how powerful this stuff is and just how much it works.

You must deal with a person’s physical body. If you have them sit too long or you don’t have them utilize their body in your teaching activities, they become stagnant, stuck, and ineffective. Get people moving around, do a light stretch, do a little yoga, create movement. You can try role-playing, posture exercises, and games. These are what I call energizers and they all work wonders. Bottom line: get people up and moving.

You are aware of what you feel, the thoughts you think, and your emotions. You can also choose where to place your awareness. Right now you’re not aware of what you’re feeling in your left foot until I say left foot. Then I can say be aware of what you’re feeling in your right hand and put it there. So you can choose to be aware of thoughts and emotions and you can choose to change those thoughts and emotions. Most people are not aware and most people don’t exercise the proper amount of choice in their life to actually produce what they want. There are exercises for helping people expand their awareness and to help them expand their capacity to be using their will in a positive and effective way.

Qualities like love, courage, power, and perseverance all exist in this spiritual dimension. We can tune in by placing our awareness on our high-self while we meditate and we can get guidance on what do I need to be doing today? What do I need to be focusing on? It’s like having a board of directors available to us at all times that we never learned to use in school.

These are all connected so you need to make sure you speak to all 7 dimensions if you want to create real and lasting results.

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