HR Officer responsibilities

– Supporting the development and implementation of HR initiatives and systems – Providing counseling on policies and procedures – Being actively involved in recruitment ...

Responsibilities of Housekeeping Staffs

Executive Housekeeper The executive housekeeper reports to the General Manager or the Resident Manager or the rooms division manager. He/she is responsible for the overall cleanliness ...

What is Job Design?

Work is a group of interconnected jobs aimed at achieving institutional objectives. Work design is defining how to perform a job or job. Here are some popular definitions of work design ...

What is Job Description?

Job description is a brief expression of work analysis. This is the name of a position, its successive shortcomings, duties and responsibilities and what kind of environment is required ...

Steps to Write a Job Description

Companies have to make sure that they write an accurate & comprehensive job description giving all job-related details. The main steps to write a job description are: ...

Job Evaluation Methods

There are non-analytical and analytical job evaluation methods that are employed by the organizations to realize the worth of a set of jobs. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ...

Advantages & Disadvantages of Job Description

Advantages of Job Description There are many advantages of having a comprehensive job description given by a company. Some of the advantages of job description are mentioned below: ...

Traditional Approaches to Job Design

Frederick Taylor developed a theory in an effort to establish a science for every job within an organization (Taylorism or Scientific Management). The principles of Taylorism are as ...

Steps to Effective Job Design

The key to effectively crafting a meaningful job for an employee is starting the thought process by looking at the values and strategy of the organization. By framing the job in these ...

Current Approaches to Job Design

Technology and the flattening of the global economy have contributed greatly to the changes we now see in jobs and job content across the world. We now recognize that a person presented ...
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