Problems of Orientation Program

1. Too much or too little information may overwhelm or annoyed the newcomers.
2. Non-cooperation of supervisors by not releasing employees for the program, or not conveying information to new employees.
3. Lack of support from the key executives. It key executives do not take orientation program seriously, then they will not provide necessary support for successful operation of the program.

Employee Placement
Employee placement is the assignment of an employee to a new job. After general orientation and /or foundation training, new recruits are placed to the position where he/ she will work which is normally the opened vacancy.

Placement is the assignment or reassignment of an employee to a new job. Placement is a critical task. It is not only putting a person in a position but it needs a match between the skills and the demand of the job wherein the person will be placed. Not only so, his/her personality shall match with the job nature. This could be understood from the personality test, intelligence test, aptitude test and the achievement test that whether a new employee will best fit with the job or not. The result of the orientation program and the foundation straining will also help human resource manager to decide upon the suitability of a new recruit with the job. The decisions of placement are made by line managers. The human resource department advises the line managers about the company’s policies and the fitness of the person with certain job.

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