
stakeholdersStakeholders are groups of people who have a major interest in or claim on the operations or output of the organization. They are also referred to as constituent groups. While the specific stakeholder groups for a particular organization are unique organization.

Components of stakeholder
There are some components of stakeholders. These components influence the organizations both from outside and inside the organizations. These components are as follows:
1. Stockholders
2. Dealers
3. Customers
4. Public interest groups
5. Regulatory agencies
6. Union
7. Supplies
8. Board of directors
9. Top Management
10. Employees
11. Middle managers and supervisors

These components of stakeholders can play significant role in performing the HR activities of an organization role of stakeholders are important for every organization. Notice that some of an organization’s stakeholders are actual members of the organization: employees, and boards of directors (except for outside board members unless they are also stockholders). However, notice the range of outside groups that can affect the formulation of an organization’s strategy – unions, suppliers, dealers, and government regulatory agencies. Each of these groups lays claims to part of the organization’s output. Employees want more wages and job a products and services at the lowest possible price.

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