Be job specific, covering a broad range of jobs in the organization
Align with your organization’s strategic direction and culture
Be practical and easy to understand and use
Provide ...
There is much more to performance management than the annual performance review meeting. As mentioned in the introduction, performance management is a continuous process of planning, ...
As stated previously, performance management has a variety of purposes, one of which is documentation should there be a legal challenge related to performance. To ensure that your performance ...
Managing the performance of employees is a continuous process. It involves making sure that employee performances contributes to both team goals and those of the business as a whole. ...
Most recent research suggests that annual staff reviews are generally perceived as a difficult and painful process by both managers and employees. As there are typically no objectives ...
Performance Management began around 60 years ago as a source of income justification and was used to determine an employees wage based on performance. Organisations used Performance ...
360-degree feedback, also known as ‘multi-rater feedback’, is employee development feedback that comes from colleagues, peers and managers in the organization, as well ...
Major HR Management Activities
1. Strategic HR Planning and Analysis
a) HR Planning : Human resource planning is the continuous process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use ...
The needs and desires of the employers and also of the employees have been rapidly changing over the decades and for various practical reasons the human resources have become the most ...
One of the most important resources of an organization is its people. Employees supply the talent, skills, and creativity and exert the effort and leadership that contribute to the ...