The best way to answer “Can you do night shifts?”

One mistake candidates make is simply saying yes or no without elaborating further.

You need to back up your answer with a relevant reason.

Here are some sample answers for different scenarios:

📌 Scenario 1 – You agree to the night shift

▪️ Yes, sure. I will be available for night shifts. It won’t be a problem for me. However, it would be a great help for me if there is a transportation facility for those who work at night. I would also like to be compensated appropriately for any shift work I undertake.

▪️ I am open to working rotational shifts or night shifts if that is a requirement for the position. As I believe that my professional growth is closely tied to the success of the organization.

📌 Scenario 2 – You do not agree to the night shift

▪️ It is not possible for me to work at night as I have other obligations which I cannot ignore. I would give my best and provide maximum output in the day shifts, but working at night won’t be possible for me.

▪️ I have a medical condition that makes it difficult for me to work late nights or overnight, but I am open to exploring other solutions to get me back on track.

▪️ I can work nights if necessary, but I prefer working during the day. But if there’s a situation that requires working outside of regular business hours, I’m committed to doing my best.

👉 Points to remember:

▪️ Be honest, and avoid giving vague answers.
▪️ If you say no, be polite with your answer.

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