Employer Branding

The employer branding is modern HR topic. It started in late 90s of the last century. The companies started the war for talents, and they had to engage talents on the job market. The organizations needed to hunt talents employed at competitors. The employer branding became a significant part of the war for talents.
The employer branding is focused on building the brand name of the employer on the job market. It is focused on developing the positive relationship with employees and target groups on the job market (potential pools of candidates for the future job vacancies). The employer branding is the essential part of the recruitment and staffing area and consumes a significant proportion of the HR budget.

The employer branding is about the communication of the expectations and benefits provided for meeting the expectations. Many organizations focus on the communication of the quick career path; many organizations focus on the communication of the friendly and fair internal environment. The organizations build the competitive advantage using their corporate cultures.

They build the competitive difference in human capital management and development. The employer branding is not just the recruitment activity. It is mainly driven by the recruitment function, but it incorporates different HR Processes to build a complex picture of the organization as a preferred employer on the job market.

Complex Communication of the Employer Brand
The company has to be open and honest in communication of the main HR principles. The past approach was about hiding the HR practices from competitors to build the internal competitive advantage. The employer-branding concept pushes the organization to be open internally and externally.

The employer branding is not about the communication of selected HR processes and procedures. It is about the complex communication of different processes in the organization. The corporate culture is the essential part of the communication mix. The employees and job candidates have to receive a global picture. Otherwise, the concept does not work.

Corporate Social Responsibility
The employer branding is focused on building the right position on the job market. It is not about the passive communication of the internal principles. It is about communication of achievements and the connection of the organization with the communities.

The branding is about the corporate social responsibility. The people do not want to work for the selfish company. They want to work for the organization, which is a contributing part of the community. The employees have to participate in volunteer activities, which are aimed to build a better society. The organization has to respect the principles of democracy, and it has to invest in the development of the better world.

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