Evaluation Methods of Management Development Programme

Evaluation of management development program normally is carried out at three stages- input; process and output stage (Rae 1986). Multiple criteria are being used for this purpose (Kirkpatrick, January, 1996). To conduct evaluation effectively, a range of methods can be employed. They are:

1) Test-retest method: Participants are given a test before they begin the programme and the same test is being conducted after the development programme. The difference between results will be the measure of result of development programme. This could be done also by taking interview or asking participants to fill up a questionnaire before and after the programme.

2) Pre-post performance method: This method is directly related to job behaviour. The participants are rated on his /her work behaviour by the immediate supervisor or by the 360-degree methods before and after completion of the programme in the actual work/job in the organisation. The positive outcome will exhibit the effectiveness of the development program.

3) Experimental control-group method: This is a method to compare the performance of the trained group with non-trained group. The result of the performance in the same type of job would be the effect of development program.

4) Attitudes surveys and psychological tests: An attitude survey is conducted after the development programme to mark the attitudinal changes that have been brought about into the person by the programme. This could be done by the standard psychological tests too.

5) Observation Method: The participants are observed during the process of development program by the trainer and are evaluated by him about his level of improvement. The managers and others could do this too in the jobs in and out of the organization. Their comments about the participants would be a good measure of the effectiveness of the development programs.

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