Internal Employee Communications Management

Wistron respects the rights of its employees and believes that unimpeded internal channels of communication can be used to develop a consensus between employees and the company. All of our offices around the world provide a platform for the free and open exchange of opinions. We have a comprehensive scheme and friendly policies in place to learn about our employees’ expectations. An employee relations promotion committee (the ‘Tomato Meeting’) has been set up at the Neihu headquarters, Hsichih office, the Zhongshan plant and Kunshan plant. The company also convenes regular employee/employer communication meetings to facilitate two-way communication. These meetings are attended by the chairman, administrative managers and employee representatives. Employee representatives are free to speak on work and managementrelated issues without fear of retaliation, threats or harassment. Employee feedback mailboxes, a 24-hour employee hotline and a CEO mailbox have also been set up at the Huadong and Huanan plants. Every worker in the company can be certain that their questions and suggestions will be answered. The employee communications channels available in each region are listed below. Once a resolution has been passed at a Tomato Meeting, the meeting minutes are posted on the intranet within seven days. Changes to company procedures are announced in weekly notices by the relevant units. We believe that employees work most productively when they have a good communications environment. We will therefore continue to focus on the efficiency of each communication channel to realize the benefits. In 2012, more than 400 employee responses and recommendations on improvements were processed. None of these involved human rights issues.

proper compensation for working overtime. Out of concern for employees’ physical and mental wellbeing, a swipe-card attendance system has also been installed to track employee attendance records. Employees that work too much overtime are reported to their managers and corrective action required through executive meetings. This measure is intended to prevent harm to employees’ quality of life and physical/mental wellbeing.

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