The point factor method or point system of job evaluation quantifies the value of the elements of a job by allocating points to each factor and the sum of those values provides a quantitative ...
Four Frequently used methods of job evaluation are:
1) Job Ranking method ,
2) Job Classification method
3) Point System method , and
4) Factor Comparison method.
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1. Establishing an orderly, rational, systematic structure of jobs of the organisation based on their relative worth.
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Job evaluation is a systematic method of determining the relative worth of jobs within an organisation. – Raymond J. Stone (2008:431).
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There are non-analytical and analytical job evaluation methods that are employed by the organizations to realize the worth of a set of jobs.
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A job evaluation is a process that takes the information gathered by the job analysis and places a value on the job. It is the process of systematically determining the relative worth ...
Job evaluation is a process of determining the relative worth of a job. It is a process which is helpful even for framing compensation plans by the personnel manager. Job evaluation ...