Job description is a brief expression of work analysis. This is the name of a position, its successive shortcomings, duties and responsibilities and what kind of environment is required for the performance of the job. When the detailed content of a job is summarized, it is called job description. Here are some popular definitions of job descriptions
According to Ed Win B. Flippa, “a statement of duty is a statement of organized duties and responsibilities based on a particular position.”
According to Pegors and Myers, “accurate and concise expression of information about a job is called a job description.”
Mathis and Jackson syas “A job description is summery of tasks, duties and responsibilities in a job”.
According to Maurice B. Cumming, “a brief description of the purpose, duties, and responsibilities of a particular job is called a job description.”
In the light of the above definitions, job description is an abbreviated form of various information obtained through job analysis. So it gives a clear idea about the different types of work of the organization.