Definition of Human Resource Management

HRM is the part of the organization that is concerned with the people dimension. HRM deals with human relations of an organization starting from recruitment to Labor relation. HRM is concerned with the people dimension of management. It is a process of acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resources of an organization.

HRM is a part of General Management that deals with the human aspect. Many authors defined it in different manner. Some of them are quoted below:

1. M. J. Jucious: “The field of HRM involves planning, organization, directing and controlling functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labor force.”

2. Dale Yoder: “HRM is the provision of leadership and direction of people in their working or employment relationship.”

3. Mathis and Jackson: “HRM is the effective use of Human resources and organization through the management of people related activities.”

4. Ricky W. Griffin:Human Resource Management is the set of organizational activities directed at attracting, developing and maintaining an effective workforce.”

5. Gray Dessler: “The policies and practices one needs to carry out the people or human resource aspects of a management position, including recruiting, screening, training, rewarding, and appraising.”

6. Milkovich & Boudreau:Human Resource Management is a series of decision that affect the relationship between employee and employer: it affects many constituencies and is intended to influences the effectiveness of employee and employer.

7. David A Decenzo and Stephen p. Robbins: “Human is made of four activities:

a) Staffing,
b) Training and development,
c) Motivation and
d) Maintenance.

Every organization is comprised of people acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to high levels of performance, and ensuring that they continue to maintain their commitment to the organization are essential to achieving organization objectives. This is true regardless of the type of organization Government, business, education, health, recreation or social action. Getting and keeping good people is critical to the success of every organization.

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