Four tips for your Mid-Year Performance Review

The summer often marks the mid-year review season. Many companies will begin the process of doing performance reviews. These evaluations provide a way for employees to get feedback on their contribution, and discuss goals and growth with their managers.

It is critical to prepare for mid-year reviews. Similar to our previous advice on getting your career on track and tips on kick-starting your career, you need a plan and strategy for these evaluations. They can impact bonuses, promotions, compensation, and potential layoffs. This is your chance to analyze your successes, failures, and future aspirations.

Here are four tips to help you navigate your mid-year review.

1. Assess Your Own Performance

Before you go into your evaluation, set aside at least an hour of your time and evaluate yourself. Assess your wins, losses, overall contribution, and goals. Be honest with yourself. Be ready to discuss new goals, areas for growth, and examples of the value you brought to the company.

Self-evaluation also gets you ready for the discussion. It makes you self-aware of your own performance. Sharing the progress you made with your manager could be useful. It can open up dialogue, while also getting your manager involved in helping you meet your goals and your professional development.

2. Address Your Shortcomings

If you had some failures, be prepared to discuss them. Know why you fell short of expectations, and what you have done or plan to do to address them. Anticipating potential criticisms gives you the opportunity to be proactive in handling any mistakes.

It signals that you are taking your performance seriously – giving you a chance to craft your messaging so you can better finesse difficult topics. You may also want to discuss what help you may need from your manager to support your ongoing success and development.

3. Prepare Questions in Advance

Take advantage of the conversation and ask for feedback. Make the discussion easier by asking questions like “What else could I do to improve?” “Am I on track relative to my peers?” and “What do you want me to replicate that I have done before?” Being engaging demonstrates your commitment to growth and a successful year.

Asking for feedback clarifies your manager’s outlook. Expectations constantly change, but it should provide you with a framework of what to work towards. It also helps you plan for any potential shortcomings or could position you for greater opportunities at the company.

4. Prepare Your Ask

If you were using your mid-year review as a platform for a salary negotiation, promotion, or opportunity to expand your skills and responsibilities, this is your chance to introduce that discussion. However, read the room and pick up on your manager’s cues in case you have to adjust what you want to discuss.

Practicing and preparing for the discussion will better set you up for success. It can also help you keep your emotions under control. You should never be visibly frustrated or overly emotional during a mid-year review. Anticipating the course of the conversation helps you guide the discussion and have more control – which could bring you closer to your goals. If your objective is to get a raise, you should read our article on negotiating salaries to better prepare!

Final Thoughts

By using these four tips, you can better position yourself for career success and a more valuable relationship with your manager. Being proactive and taking initiative could empower you to have greater influence over your professional destiny and future progress.

The Azara Group (TAG) is a consulting firm that promotes the development of leaders in an increasingly competitive and diverse marketplace – providing strategy consulting services and leadership training services to advance professional and life success. TAG leverages expertise in career strategy, diversity, negotiation skills, and business acumen to provide strategic advice and consulting services to help people and organizations get what they want, achieve their goals, and advance their business and career objectives. TAG also helps companies better attract, retain, and promote diverse talent, and develop robust diversity platforms and strategies to create a more inclusive workplace.

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