Types of Employee Turnover and Retention

1. Voluntary Turnover: This occurs when employees choose to leave the organization on their own accord. Reasons for voluntary turnover can vary widely, including better career opportunities, dissatisfaction with the work environment, or personal reasons.

2. Involuntary Turnover: In contrast to voluntary turnover, involuntary turnover happens when employees are terminated or laid off by the organization. This could be due to poor performance, restructuring, or other business-related reasons.

3. Functional Turnover: Functional turnover occurs when low-performing employees voluntarily leave the organization. While this type of turnover might initially seem positive, as it removes underperformers, it can also indicate deeper issues within the organization, such as poor management or lack of career development opportunities.

4. Dysfunctional Turnover: Dysfunctional turnover refers to the departure of high-performing or valuable employees. This type of turnover can be particularly detrimental to an organization, as it results in the loss of top talent and institutional knowledge.

5. Controllable Turnover: Controllable turnover occurs when factors contributing to employee departure are within the organization’s control. This could include issues such as poor management, lack of career growth opportunities, or inadequate compensation.

6. Uncontrollable Turnover: Uncontrollable turnover, on the other hand, is influenced by external factors beyond the organization’s control, such as retirement, relocation, or changes in personal circumstances.

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