Behavioural Interviewing

At the very least, you should always ensure that the majority of your questions posed during the interview have a behavioural component to them, which are linked to the employee profile you are searching for.

This can be achieved by presenting candidates with scenarios related to the role and asking them to explain how they would deal with the situation.

A further addition that you could consider to enhance your recruitment efforts would be to ask potential candidates to work with your team for a short period, so that you can better judge how they actually perform on-site and whether they integrate well with your team.

In fact, in some organisations, the team members are also involved in making the final decision. This approach is becoming more popular and as candidates are paid for their time, they are not being treated unfairly.

However, you could only do this if you had a high performing team and indeed if your organisation was open to this approach. Regardless of your particular circumstances, you should now have some useful ideas to help you strengthen how you currently recruit your team members.

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