Soft skills in today’s job market

Soft skills are a major differentiating factor for employability and professional success today. This is true for almost all fields, regardless of the sector. To illustrate this trend, ...

The rise of soft skills

Until very recently, career success in a given position appeared to be based solely on the technical ability to perform certain tasks. As a result, recruiters and companies systematically ...

The origin of soft skills

The origins of soft skills trace back to the US Army, who, in the 1960s and 1970s was the first to identify and develop the concept of soft skills. In 1968, the US Continental Army ...

Good Fundamental Knowledge

You should have a sound knowledge in at least one or two specific fields rather than overall peripheral knowledge. Don’t try to credit yourself with doubtful or unearned points while ...

Soft skills in today’s job market

As previously mentioned, soft skills are a major differentiating factor for employability and professional success today. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); This ...

Adaptability and Ability to Learn new Technologies Fast

You should have interest in upgrading knowledge as Software field is changing rapidly, so rapidly that skills acquired after months of hard work and training, become obsolete in another ...

Typical interview Questions

These are some frequently asked questions; you may be asked all, some or possibly only a few of them. Just go through these and repare in writing the answers you would like to give. ...

Problem Solving Abilities and Logical Thinking

Most of the organizations conduct aptitude tests for screening the applications of job-seekers. Perhaps aptitude tests reveal the problem solving abilities of the individual, though ...

Written Communication Skills

Software developers, during the project execution, have to prepare a number of documents – requirement – specifications documents, design documents, test reports, user manuals ...

Good Oral Communication Skills

Oral communication is very important for any professional because during one’s career, every professional has to talk to a number of people of varying backgrounds and technical knowledge. ...
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