Determinants of Compensation Structure

There are many factors for compensation determination are: 1) Worth of the job: The relative influence of the size, responsibility, skill requirements and objectionableness of duties ...

The Definition of compensation

Pay is the money paid to somebody for regular work (Oxford Dictionary, 1999: 857). Wage and salary also denote ‘the payment received for performing work (French, 1997:364) One ...

Steps of Benefits and Service Management

Benefits and services are expensive. But management is to maintain a reasonably attractive benefits and services package to recruit and keep qualified employees. How does a firm design ...

Theories of Compensation

1. Reinforcement and Expectancy Theory: This theory is based on the assumption that, the reward-earning behavior is likely to be repeated, i.e. an employee would do the same thing ...

Compensation and benefits components

There can be several ways where benefits can be given to employees. Mostly it is given in terms of a CTC or gross salary. Some of the various components of compensation and benefits ...

Objectives of Benefits and Services

Benefits and services are aimed at achieving societal, organisational, and employee objectives. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); 1. Societal Objectives: ...

Bases of Pay

1. Flat Pay: The flat rate or straight basis of pay is common in unionized firm where wages are established by collective bargaining. For example, all clerk typist might be paid Tk. ...

Elements of Compensation

Compensation includes two things: 1) Direct financial compensations which is typically made in cashable form that reflect direct work related compensation such as base pay, wages and ...

Vroom’s Expectancy Theory

Definition: Vroom’s Expectancy Theory was proposed by Victor. H. Vroom, who believed that people are motivated to perform activities to achieve some goal to the extent they expect ...

Direct Employee compensation

Direct compensation refers to monetary benefits offered and provided to employees in return of the services they provide to the organization. The monetary benefits include basic salary, ...
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