CV writing rules

An important step in job preparation is creating a good CV. A CV that catches the attention of employers. Which gives employers a good idea about you. The matter is not very difficult. For this you need to be able to apply the rules of CV writing correctly.

Many job seekers in our country make a mistake. That is, the CV found in the computer comp store is submitted at the time of job application. In most cases these values ​​are not correct. So avoid using this type of CV. Rather try and you can create a quality CV for yourself.

What is CV?
A CV or Curriculum Vitae is a 2-3 page document that contains key parts of your work, educational qualifications and skills. Apart from job tests, it is also used in academic work. It is usually written in English.

What is in the CV?
=>> Personal Information: This section contains your name, phone number and email address. Contact address may be required in some cases. But it is not necessary to give your picture.
=>> Summary: In this part you have to introduce yourself very briefly. It is known as ‘Personal Statement’ or ‘Objective’ in English. Write in 100 words about the career you want to pursue and how your current job relates to that career.
=>> Work Experience: Describe the type of work you have done before in this section. Write about recent work first.
=>> Educational Qualification: Start with recent degree or institutional education. HSC or SSC exam results need not be mentioned in case of Master’s degree holder.
=>> Skills and Achievements: If you have any skills related to the job you are applying for, write in this section. Mention any awards, honors or publications if relevant.
=>> References: Give the names and contact details of 1 – 2 people who have a good idea of ​​your work or skills and qualifications as references. But take their permission beforehand. Note that not all jobs are required to have a reference section. Employers may ask you for this information if necessary.

How should the CV format be?
=>> A 1-2 page CV is sufficient for most jobs.
=>> Use ‘A4’ size pages.
=>> Write in ‘Arial’, ‘Times New Roman’ or ‘Calibri’ font.
=>> Choose 11/12 font size.
=>> Limit to 1 – 2 types of font colors.
=>> Use 14 – 16 font size subheadings to clearly highlight the sections of the CV.
=>> Bullet points can be used for ease of reading. But this is not applicable for summary.
=>> Maintain sufficient spacing between two lines.
=>> Avoid unnecessary variations in CV design. If the design looks good to the employer, the opposite is more likely.

What kind of CV to write?
=>> Skill-based CV: You can write this type of CV by emphasizing the skills related to the job you are applying for. This type of CV is applicable for students and recent graduates or for transitioning from one career to another.
=>> CV based on work experience: Write this type of CV if you are applying for a position senior to your current job.
=>> Such CVs will also work for jobs where work samples or portfolios are important.
=>> It is not the purpose of this CV to give details of what duties have been performed. Instead, present how your work has achieved success or helped achieve organizational goals.

What are the rules of CV writing?
=>> A CV filled with mistakes creates a negative impression in the minds of employers. So ensure correct language and spelling. Get help if needed.
=>> Change the language and style of the CV according to the job advertisement for the job you are applying for.
=>> In the CV, mention the relevant work experience, skills and educational qualifications of the organization where you are applying for the job.
=>> Employers may ask questions about your CV during interviews. So be careful what you write in each section.
=>> Express yourself in simple and short sentences as much as possible. Use of unnecessarily difficult words and complex language will cause irritation.
=>> Avoid writing anything unnecessary and irrelevant.
=>> Many professionals and job seekers overuse certain words. For example: “Passionate” or “Leadership”. It is better not to put such words in CV.
=>> Links to your social media accounts should not be given in the CV unless specifically mentioned in the recruitment notice. If applicable, you can put your LinkedIn account link in the Personal Information section. But before that, set up your LinkedIn profile.

How to improve CV?
=>> Spend time acquiring skills related to the type of career you want to pursue. If you become proficient in any field, update your CV.
=>> If any work is involved, write about the progress. By doing this, you can clearly highlight your work experience in the CV.
=>> Review the CV occasionally. If there is a deficiency in any part, take time to bring that part to a ready state.
=>> Avoid using the same type of CV for all jobs and organizations. Instead, write the CV according to the recruitment notification.
=>> Various CV templates are available on the internet. While using them, change them according to the recruitment notification.

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