Emotional Reasoning

Don’t tell me we have to use emotions when we’re making decisions? Surely the facts speak for themselves.

Of course, facts are important but when we engage emotions in decision-making we will get a far better outcome – and likely make a better decision. So this competency is all about the extent to which emotions and emotional knowledge are incorporated in decision-making or the problem solving process

When we do this we achieve enhanced decision-making where more information is considered in the process. In using emotions in making decisions – and I mean the emotions of all involved in the process – we will be greater buy-in from others into the decisions, which are taken.

People who demonstrate a low level of skill in this area focus on the facts and technical information relating to problems and issues only. They fail to think about decisions from the other person’s perspectives. And they don’t check in their own feelings on issues and therefore miss out on important information.

I’m sure you could identify a situation where you felt the feelings of others hadn’t been taken account of when the decision was made. When we take account of the emotions, we may either make a different decision or acknowledge the emotions of those affected and, particularly by using empathy in presenting the decision, we can gain the buy-in of those who are affected.

Another way emotions positively impact in this situation is for the people involved in making the decision to articulate how they are feeling about the decisions. This can reaffirm the correctness of the decision, or dentify areas of concern which can either be overcome by making changes. Or someone may simply say, “Look, I’m feeling uneasy about this decision but I’ll give you all the support I can. I’m sure in time I’ll see the benefits of what we’ve decided.”

As a leader you are aware how they feel in this situation and can adjust in our dealing with them, knowing how they feel, or they can choose to adjust and make allowance accordingly, knowing that their others are aware of their feelings and those feelings have been considered.

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