Employee Hand book

Employee Hand book or HR Manual is a booklet describing the important aspects of employee an employee needs to know.

I) A well-designed handbook or manual provides central information some that conveys such useful information as what the company is about its history and employee benefits.
II) Then it gives employee an opportunity to each about the company and what the company provides for them is a way that permits each employee an opportunity to understand the information at his or her own pace.
III) It has been found that they assist in creating an atmosphere is which employees become more productive members of the company and increase their commitment and loyalty to the company.
IV) The handbook some to ensure that any HRM policy will be fair equitable and consistently applied.
V) It may express information a discipline and discharge procedures and a means of redressing disciplinary active should the employee feel that it was administered unfairly.
VI) It will address various HRM policies and work rules, which set the parameters within which employees are expected to perform.
VII) In addition to any benefits accrued from having a more committed and loyal workforce handbook, can also be used in the recruiting offer.

Any company herein after referred as company in working with its staff will recognize the employee, one of the most important factors of the organization.

The following principals shall be applied to the administration of employee in the company that includes employees of all of its manufacturing, trading, service or any other existing or future mode of business;
a. To maintain the understanding between employees and employers, and among employees themselves.
b. To select the right person for the right position and to pay right payment and benefits to the persons for the correct services rendered.
c. To recognize performance and merit as the best basis for promotion and hiring employees of equal ability and skill.
d. To develop all employees so that they may become increasingly effective in their jobs.
e. To promote within whenever possible.
f. To handle and reduction grievances promptly.
g. To have one fair rule under every circumstances.
h. To make frequent checks of employees’ attitude towards policies, practices and working conditions.
i. To ensure sound human relations above all.
j. To ensure sound organizational behavior at all levels.

The Human Resources Management Guide is designed to be used as a detailed guideline for the employees of the company. The guide is also intended to serve the purpose of enabling new joiners to familiarize themselves with the Human Resources policies and procedures of the company. In a word, this guide is made up of four activities i) Attracting potential employees ii) Preparing them iii) Stimulating them iv) Retaining them.

Consistent with the overall objectives of its terms, conditions, policies and procedures related to employment, the company believes that its employees must be treated fairly and consistently when they are in its employment in order to:
► Integrate a diverse group of employees into an effective and cohesive workforce.
► Establish and maintain a working environment in which all employees are properly motivated and committed to the business objectives of the company.

To achieve these objectives, the company recognizes the requirements for proper communications among its employees, that the employees’ grievances are properly dealt with, and that all conform to the company’s rules and regulations.

Clearly this manual cannot cover all aspects of the company’s relations with its employees and while there are a sufficient variety of regulations that can be adopted to solve problems, employees are encouraged to consult with the Employee & Administration department should there be any difficult situation in regard to understanding and executing policies of the company.

Furthermore, units may have their separate guidelines and flow chart but it should be prepare in accordance with thins manual and duly approved by the BOD after clearance from the company.

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