Employee Off-boarding

Employee exit management or off-boarding describes the consciously designed separation process when an employee leaves the company, for which he has previously worked within the scope of a work or service contract. It deals with the formal processes revolving around an employee’s exit from an organization either through voluntary resignation, layoffs or termination.

Off-boarding is understood here as a software-supported process in personnel and identity management, which ensures the safe deactivation and documentation of the access rights of employees who have been relieved, thus preventing data misuse and theft. As part of computer security, the process will also ensure that access privileges are revoked when a person leaves, and may also cover other issues such as the recovery of equipment, keys and credit cards to ensure that security integrity be maintained. In addition, some HR management solutions provide the generation of guidance for the exit interview or “run-offs”, by which, for example, the return of company ownership – such as mobile PC and communication devices or company cars – is ensured and the consequences of the departure can be systematically processed for the internal processes (eg the disposition of employee parking spaces or utilization in the cafeteria). The execution of the exit interview itself is already part of the process of off-boarding the second variant: When an employee is relieved there are a number of considerations that an organization needs to make in order to cleanly end the relationship between the company and the employee. The company as a legal entity has a responsibility to the employee which may extend beyond the period of employment and this is the primary focus of the exit procedure.

A good off-boarding process has many benefits including positive employee referral, rehiring and word of mouth. The positive signal to the departing employee as well as to his remaining colleagues by the open handling of an (inevitable) separation and the associated positive effects on the employee satisfaction speaks for the good internal implementation of the off-boarding process (assuming the professional qualification of the internal coaches) Employer’s imagination and an open and honest corporate culture.

In case of the external implementation of the off-boarding process by an external coach, one can say that the latter assumes a more neutral position, which is not colored by common experiences or individual roles and power positions. It may also be advantageous for the external coach to be able to accompany his or her clients free of the objectives of the (former) company and thus – at least in the client’s consciousness – more openly and more unobtrusively. The stronger focus on the future, which the coach embodies as an external, can be another argument for this approach. At times the external monitoring can begin before the last working day of the departing employee, but it does not have to end there. -wikipedia

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