Leadership and Passion

Leadership is seen as a particularly emotional process. Here emotions are associated with the process of social influence. A leader’s temperament in an organization has some effect on his team. These influences can be divided into three levels. The temperament of each team member. Team members whose leader is in a positive mood tend to be in a more positive mood than team members whose leader is in a negative mood. Emotional transfer is one of the psychological techniques that effective leaders use to influence followers. Team Affective Attitudes Team affective attitudes reflect the interaction of consistent or homogenous emotions within the team. Team affective attitude is the average of the individual moods of each team member and refers to the mood obtained from the team level analysis. The affective attitude of a team leader with a positive mood is significantly more positive than that of a team leader with a negative mood. Team processes in terms of coordination, diffusion of effort and work strategy. Public exposure of mood affects the way team members think and act. When people get into a particular mood and express it, they send a signal to others. Leaders signal their goals, objectives, and attitudes through the expression of their mood. For example, leaders’ expressions of positive mood send signals that leaders perceive progress toward goals as good. Team members respond cognitively and behaviorally to these signals, which are reflected in team processes. Customer service research has shown that a leader’s expression of positive mood improves team performance. However, in other cases other information is available. Apart from the leader’s temperament, his behavior is also the source of positive and negative emotions of the employees in the workplace. Leaders create situations and events that elicit emotional responses. Certain behaviors of leaders during interactions with employees are the source of these emotional events. Leaders shape emotional events in the workplace. Example- Providing information on a particular subject, distribution of work, distribution of resources. Since the behavior and productivity of employees are directly affected by their emotions, it is imperative to consider employees’ emotional responses to organizational leaders. Emotional intelligence, the ability to empathize and manage one’s own and others’ moods and emotions contribute to effective leadership in organizations. Leadership means responsibility.

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