New Human Resource Era – HR 4.0

According to the survey, 47% of employees believe that by 2020, technology will contribute to more than half of the company’s revenue. So how HR 4.0 has so much influence on business. Today’s article, will track this question and draw some conclusion to this according to the research.

Referring to the Human Revolution, we must mention stages as below:

• HR 1.0: In the beginning, human resources were completely processed by paperwork. HR management was primarily related to “hardware” such as calculating welfare or labor insurance.

• HR 2.0: The electrical equipment started being used in HR jobs for the first time, making work streamlined. This was also the period when HR began to develop hard skills in recruiting and training personnel.

• HR 3.0: Internet appears and is gradually applied in HR activities, but it is only considered as a support tool behind “big stage”, not a useful solution. Before 2010, most of the company’s website was primarily used with the purposes of sale and display products. At this stage, HR activities have gradually shifted to develop soft skills of personnel.

HR 4.0: The Internet grows stronger. The amount of data is so enormous that becomes a source of oil for explosive technology. Machines become smarter, more human-friendly. The technology harmonizes well with human resource and recruitment activities from internal processes to the communication with candidates, form the best Applicant Tracking System platforms. At this stage, recruiting thinking has also gradually changed, more attention is paid to brand recruitment and talent management. HR 4.0 is growing at a fast pace when compared to previous revolutions. The explosion of technology is radically changing the way people communicate as well as the current way of operating and managing businesses, including the recruitment of human resources.

The fact is that we cannot avoid reality but accept and improve ourselves with it. Change is sometimes a positive innovation.

So what headhunters need to do to get access to that change?

– Improve your data thinking: data is power, you should always find ways to record data, answer questions like How many days does it take the candidate to complete a recruitment round? What percentage of candidates pass each recruitment round? What is the cost of each recruitment round?

– Continuously update the latest trends in recruitment and technology through events, forums, news sites, blogs,… not only in Viet Nam but also in the globe. Don’t forget to take a look at other sectors in a business such as logistics, auditing, accounting,… which are closely related to your sector – HR

– Find out about the latest technology tools and platforms for hiring.

Bear in your mind that technology cannot replace human but provides help and assistance which make the business do better. The growth of a business leads to the need of incorporating the HR function. The duties are keeping things running smoothly and dealing with day-to-day HR responsibilities.

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