Philosophies of Recruiting

The traditional philosophy of recruiting has been to get as many people to apply for a job as possible. A large number of jobseekers waiting in queues would make the final selection difficult, often resulting in wrong selection. Job dissatisfaction and employee turnover are the consequences of this.

A persuasive agreement can be make that matching the needs of the organization to the needs of the applicants will enhance the effectiveness of the recruitment process. The result will be a workforce which is likely to stay with the organization longer and performs at a higher level of effectiveness. Two approaches are available to bring about this match. They are a) realistic job preview (RJP) and b) job compatibility questionnaire (JCQ). These approaches are discussed below shortly.

1. Realistic Job Preview: Realistic job preview (RJP) provides complete job related information, both positive and negative for the applicants. The information provided will help jobseekers to evaluate the compatibility among the jobs and their personal ends before hiring decisions are made. RJPs can result in self-selection process job applicants can decide whether to attend the interviews and tests for final selection or withdraws themselves in the initial stage.

Research on realistic recruiting shows a lower rate of employee turnover in case employees recruited through RJPs, particularly for more complex jobs and higher levels of satisfaction and performance, at the initial stages of employment. RJPs are more beneficial for organizations hiring at the entry level, when there are innumerable applicants per position, and under conditions of relatively less unemployment. Otherwise, the approach may increase the cost of recruiting by increasing the average time it takes to fill each job.

2. The Job Compatibility Questionnaire (JCQ) was developed to determine whether an applicant’s preference for work match the characteristics of the job. The JCQ is designed to collect information on all aspects of a job which have a bearing on employee performance, absenteeism, and turnover and job satisfaction. The underlying assumption for a job and the characteristics of the job as perceived by the jobseekers, the greater the provability of employee effectiveness and longer the tenure.

The JCQ is a 400-item instrument that measures job factors which are related to performance, satisfaction, turnover and absenteeism. Items cover the following job factors: task requirement, physical environment, customer characteristics, peer characteristics, leader characteristics, compensation preferences, task variety, job autonomy, physical demands, and work schedule.

The JCQ is administered to jobseekers that are very familiar with either a specific position to be filed and/or a target job under study. Respondents are asked to indicate the extent to which each JCQ item is descriptive of the job or position under study.

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