Recent Trends in Recruiting

Recruitment is the process of filling up of vacancy in an organization. This is the literal meaning of the word. But nowadays, recruitment is a two way process. Just as the company searches for suitable candidate, similarly a candidate searches for a suitable company to work for.
1. Bridging the gap – It is the process by which the company build capabilities in its employees through training (post recruitment) and the candidates undergo preparatory sessions in the pre recruitment phase.
2. Branding – The company focuses on building its brand name so that it becomes a dream recruiter for the candidates and the candidates also focus on increasing the weightage of their CVs to be the prospective candidate for any company.
3. Creating awareness – The main objective of recruitment process is to bring to the notice of the potential candidates about the requirement of the company.
4. Meeting the right choice – Recruitment is all about finding the right people at the right position.

Modern trends in recruitment process are:
1. Internship/ summer training- It is an efficient process of hiring people. During internship period, candidates are observed and if they turn out to be fit for the company, they are given PPO (pre placement offer). Some companies (eg- Wipro) organize best internship award program which motivates the interns to work at their highest potential and whoever wins the award is given PPO.

2. Competitions – Several companies like TITAN, Mahindra, Reckitt Benckiser organize competitions across the country and offer PPI (Pre placement Interview) to the winners. This process not only increase the interest of candidates to work in these companies but it also helps in finding business solutions through the process. The companies give one of their live business problems in the form of case study or question through the competition platform. So, costs like recruitment, costs for outsourcing business solutions are saved.

3. Directly apply
a. Online- Companies directly send the vacancy list via email or online job portal or they give their requirement directly in the company website.
b. Offline- Through offline word of mouth and reference from esteemed clients/ customers are more prevalent methods of recruitment. Sometimes printed notice are put on the wall just outside any restaurant, bank etc where number of footfalls are high.

4. Approach people – Sometimes prospective candidate directly mail or call the company person and pitch for their job.

5.Other methods – Some of the effective other methods of finding out right candidate are:
a. Guest lecture- Companies send their employees to the campuses and they share their industry experiences. Through this type of interaction, the company personnel gauge the merit level of the students of that institution and decide whether to come there for final placement.
b. Visiting faculty – Some of the industry people teach in educational institutions and through interaction in classroom identify potential candidate for the company.
c. Workshop/ seminars- Few days workshops/ seminars delivered by industry experts help them in interaction and identification of the potential candidate for the company.
d. Live projects- Another method of getting the right candidate is to evaluate the candidate on the basis of the performance quality in the live project given by the company. (Live projects are the real business problems or work of the company which are outsourced to students; students in turn get certificate and stipend and company gets the work done at less cost and at more efficiency level.) Also rapport building between candidate and the employees of the company during the live project help in recruitment process.
e. Exams- Different companies come under one umbrella and conduct single entry level examination and the shortlisted candidates are called by individual companies for interviews. For eg- AIMCAT is conducted by many IT firms. Through GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) PSUs recruit.

Factors influencing proper recruitment channel:
1. Yearly turnover of company and size of the company– These influence the cost of recruitment.
2. Type of job – The nature and demand of job play a huge role in choosing the recruitment channel.
3. Time constraint- The choice of recruitment channel is again influenced by the time required to fill the vacancy.

Besides all these companies raise social issue and do recruitment through the process. For eg- On September 2012, HCL organized a conference about emerging women business leaders. They invited application from female candidates of 30 MBA colleges across India. The selected candidates received Pre-placement Interview (PPI) from HCL technologies. This move not only promoted the woman issue but it helped in addressing gender inequality issue in corporate world by hiring women employees through this process.

Sometimes open source developmental model gives an opportunity to the candidates to showcase their talent and increase the chance of getting recruited by the company.

All these new trends of recruitment are constantly evolving and taking care of the other needs/aspects of the business, at the same time they are trying to hire people in the most cost effective manner and at least hazards.

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