Recruitment & Selection – MCQs with answers – Part 2

1. What is the full form of AIDA – a four point guide used by experienced advertisers?

a. Create abstract, develop industrious ads, defiant and acceptable
b. Being accessible, should be inexpensive, detailed and alluring
c. Attract attention, develop interest, create desire and instigate action
d. None of the above

2. Which mode of recruitment is through advertisements, newspapers and want ads?

a. Direct
b. Indirect
c. On payroll
d. None of the above

3. Which is the least expensive method for recruitments?

a. Walk – ins, write – ins and talk – ins
b. Campus placements
c. Employment exchanges
d. Consultants

4. What is the general fee charged by consultants?

a. 10 – 20 % of the first year salaries of the individuals placed
b. 20 – 50% of the first year salaries of the individuals placed
c. 20 – 30 % of the first year salaries of the individuals placed
d. None of the above

5. Identifying the right people in rival companies, offering them better terms and luring them away is popularly called as __________.

a. Competition
b. Acquisition
c. Poaching
d. None of the above

6. Which of the following are general costs incurred in the recruitment process?

a. Costs of material
b. Costs of overtime and outsourcing while the vacancies remain unfilled
c. Costs of property
d. None of the above

7. Which philosophies of recruiting have been mentioned by K. Ashwathappa in his book Human Resource Management?

A. Realistic job previews
B. Job compatibility questionnaire
C. Temporary employment

a. Both A & B
b. A & C
c. B & C
d. A, B and C

8. _______ provides complete job related information (both positive and negative) to the applicants so that they can make right decisions before taking the job.

a. Job Compatibility Questionnaire
b. Realistic job preview
c. Market survey
d. None of the above

9. Which of these is an alternative to recruitments?

a. Employee leasing
b. Contractors
c. Trade associations
d. None of the above

10. ______ is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify and hire those with a greater likelihood of success in a job.

a. False negative error
b. Training
c. Selection
d. None of the above

1. c, 2. b, 3. a, 4. b, 5. c, 6. b, 7. a, 8. b, 9. a, 10. c

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