Six Sigma Yellow Belt for HR Professional

When I completed on-line LEAN Six Sigma Yellow Belt Certification course from ELSS Academy, I discovered myself that there is lot of knowledge GAP that Ishould know for raise voice and influencing Production, Quality & Operational decision, measuring Organizational Effectiveness & implement the Total IQuality Management (TQM) in my organization.

Six Sigma is a methodology that utilizes statistical tools and concepts to identify variations or defects in a process. An Accredited Six Sigma Certification in Human Resources indicates an individual has achieved a particular level of knowledge in the study and application of this methodology. In my opinion, HR Professionals should participate in the LEAN Six Sigma Training due to the following 5 important reasons;

Cut Cost by Eliminating Errors
Mistakes in Hiring can cost a company multi-fold. There are training losses, as well as missed opportunity for that employee’s growth and productivity. Applying the Six Sigma Methodology to the process of hiring talent is so important to a company’s success in any industry. This is why Six Sigma training in the realm of Human Resources is gaining popularity.

Improve Quality
The process of eliminating errors in Human Resources naturally leads to improved quality. There are many processes within the world of Human Resources that can be perfected with statistical validity. Some examples include recruitment, evaluations, employee benefits, compensation, labor relations, hiring and firing, staffing, organizational development, health and safety, payroll, medical benefits, change management, recruitment, outsourcing, staffing, training, and absenteeism.

Increase Customer Loyalty
When it comes to HR, instead of customers, consider both the employees and/or the company owners (employers) the ‘end users’ of a process – the individuals whose satisfaction should be achieved during the Six Sigma Process. The Human Resources Department can be considered a liaison between the employees and the employer. These individuals are responsible for keeping things fair and representing both sides of the coin for the overall health of the entire company. Using Six Sigma to perfect their everyday productivity can be immensely beneficial to the organization as a whole.

Increased Employability and Salary Potential
Companies who utilize Six Sigma methods know the importance of quality, and the quality of their employees are at the top of the list. Six Sigma Certified Employees are a resource that is essential to any corporation. This is why salaries of Six Sigma Certified individuals are on average, significantly more than their non-certified colleagues. When the leading companies of the world look to hire employees (via Human Resources Departments), they know that individuals who hold Six Sigma Certifications are invaluable – especially when their hiring processes (and the Human Resource professionals who are responsible for them) are perfected by the Six Sigma Methodology.

Improved Corporate Culture
Six Sigma improves the overall corporate culture within a company. Because of the hierarchy of Six Sigma Certified individuals, everyone knows their role and expectations within the company – and exactly how teams need to work together to bring about positive changes within a company. As these teams reach both short term and long-term goals, they form bonds that strengthen the overall company as a whole. Furthermore, as they start to see the results of their hard work (decreased defects, increased profits, and more loyal customers) the drive to continue to reach goals is fostered and rewarded. Six Sigma Certified individuals can seamlessly join Six Sigma Teams already working on projects. All of these benefits directly and positively impact Human Resource departments.

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