SOP for Employee Exit process

The employee after discussion with his Manager, submits his resignation to his Manager.

The Manager should put his comments on the resignation letter and forward it to HR. (these comments can be To be relieved by dd/mm/yyyy, or some other special comments)

HR on receipt of the Resignation letter, enters in the software, the date of receipt of resignation letter, terms and conditions of resignation if any special is there. and comments of Manager, the payroll changes are made accordingly as per the relieving date decided, the software generates the receipt of resignation letter, along with a no dues format, with employee name, roll no, dept already preprinted on the no dues format.

These letters + format are handed over by HR to employee, + details of PF transfer forms, withdrawal forms as applicable. All the payroll changes, PF changes are scheduled to take action on the relieving date in software.

HR prepares the matter of Relieving letter and gives it to the Manager for suggestions / comments. The relieving letter is kept ready.

Usually before / on the relieving day or some 2 days ago, the employee submits all no dues, and other forms to the HR and takes his relieving letter.

This process needs to be electronically processed with specific forms and formats and linkages to payroll .

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