Tell us something about yourself

One of the most frequently asked questions in a job interview is about yourself. Employers usually ask this type of question at the beginning of the interview. It is said that this one question decides whether an employer will hire you or not. Again, this is one of the opportunities to present yourself as competent to the employer. But how and how to tell about yourself, how to say your words. Let’s find out.

Why is this question asked?

Before knowing the answer to the question, you should know why employers ask this question. Then the answer is easy to formulate. Employers ask this question because:

1. He wants to get to know you, i.e. understand how qualified you are as a candidate.

2. You want to see how well you can present yourself.

3. Above all, you want to break your inner inertia and make you simple and fluent so that you can answer the next questions easily and fluently.

Whatever you say

Tell us about yourself. only about you Nothing irrelevant can be said in any way. Suppose you go to a store to buy a mobile, you see a beautiful mobile, then as usual you ask the salesman to tell about the features of the mobile. Think this time if the salesman tells you how the mobile is made or the features of the mobile. Speaking of which, would you be more interested in hearing what would work for you? The same is true about you. Say something that will make employers interested in you. Not something that is irrelevant. That is, something that sets you apart from other candidates. Proving you as the best candidate. So what you can say in this case is:

1. Start with yourself, tell about your school, studies, what subjects you have studied.

2. Mention any institutional achievements – such as scholarships, first places, etc.

3. However, if you have work experience, talk about previous work experience, highlight your achievements, achievements, skills, etc. in the speech.

4. Give evidence of the two qualities you mentioned, why you think they are your good qualities.

5. State a weakness, and immediately state how you are trying to overcome the weakness.

6. Complete the entire speech in 2 to 3 minutes.

Don’t say what

In response to such questions, some things that should never be said are:

1. Bringing up your family issues, like what does your father do, what does your mother do, how many people are in the family, etc.

2. Talk about any qualities that are not relevant to the position you are interviewing for or would not be useful in any way for the position concerned.

We all know about ourselves. But if we don’t present ourselves properly, it can never bring good results. On the other hand, presenting yourself correctly helps you stand out from hundreds of candidates. Which is indicative of a successful worker. So know yourself and present yourself successfully.

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