Theories of Learning

Definition: The Learning is the enduring change in the behavior brought about as consequences of experience. Simply, learning is the acquisition of new behaviors. It is agreed that learning involves changes in the behavior, that we practice in our daily lives and which becomes a permanent part of our existing set of behaviors.

Several experts are still skeptical about the process of how the new behavior is acquired and how any individual can influence the other person’s behavior through teaching. This has resulted in the development of several theories of learning. The theory is the set of factors or variables that explain the reason for the existence of theory, i.e. for what objective the theory is formulated. Many theories of learning are old and well established while many other theories are in its evolutionary stage.

The Theories of human learning can be grouped into three categories:

1. Conditioning Theory
2. Cognitive Learning Theory
3. Social Learning Theory
Many psychologists believe, that behavioral change must be permanent as any temporary change in the behavior due to any reason is not a part of learning. Also, any change in the behavior may not be necessarily an improvement over the previous behavior, since an individual also learns the bad habits, prejudices, stereotypes, work restrictions, etc. while dealing with different situations or experiences.

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