Human Resource Bench marking


Bench marking is a technique that uses quantitative or qualitative data to make comparisons between different organizations or different sections of organizations. Bench marking is usually treated as a continuous process in which organizations periodically measure, challenge, and improve their practices.

Bench marking
A term now often used to describe performance assessment is bench marking which seeks to assess the competences of an organization against “best in class” wherever that is to be found. Often this taken to mean only measures of output performance which can be defined in quantitative term (comparison of financial performance, key financial ratio and other measure of output such as market share, production

Throughput, However there are also more qualitative less tangible feature of performance which result on quality or satisfaction such as attitude towards customers. Assessment of these features is more difficult and it can only be done by direct observation or surveying user .Bench-marking should include quantitative and qualitative measure of performance and its emphasize should be on continuous quality

Improvement, There are two kinds of Bench marking – Internal Bench marking and External Bench marking.

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