5 tips to becoming a transformational trainer

1. People to take action
The so-called experts out there will teach you. They tell you what to do. They give you a list of how-to’s. And most people write these down, then go home and don’t ever do them.

Think about it. How many books have you bought that you’ve never read? How often do you think “I’m going to get my inbox in order like that productivity expert talked about, or my money issues figured out like that financial expert said”? But then what happens? You don’t do it.

But, transformational trainers teach their ideas and concepts in such a way that it results in people actually taking action. It was Ben Franklin who said, “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”

2. Identify the emotional blocks
A lot of people are afraid of dealing with emotions. And most experts out there are not only afraid of dealing with their own emotions, but the emotions of the people they’re teaching.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what holds a lot of people back from taking action and taking 100% responsibility for their lives. They have these emotional blocks and limiting beliefs that stop them.

And many motivational speakers are great at pushing someone forward in a certain direction, but if there’s something pushing back, like a fear of failure, a fear of looking foolish, a fear of losing money, this fear of, not being able to do it right, etc., it’ll stop people dead in their tracks.

That’s what makes transformational trainers different – they help their audience identify their emotional blocks and quickly move past them so they can achieve real and lasting results.

3. Create A-HA Moments
Most experts simply present and teach information. But transformational trainers give people these “a-ha” experiences.

Let’s say I was going to teach you how to swim. Now I could lecture you, I could demonstrate the perfect stroke, I could show you film of the greatest swimmers, I could even have Michael Phelps come in with his 23 gold medals, motivate you, and say, “This is how you do it.”

But until I get you in the pool, having an experience, applying direct knowledge, you will never have that “a-ha” moment.

Here’s another example. It’s one thing to tell people, “You should be more positive. Focus on your strengths. Do what makes you happy. Live your purpose.”

But it’s an entirely different thing to get people in a group of 5, and share 3 different successes from their lives. And then share the successes they want to have in the next 5 years, but do it in the past tense, as if they have already accomplished these things, so they can share what it’s like to experience them and feel what it’s like to have success. Then you have the other individuals give feedback, like this is what I like about you, based on what I’ve learned about you, and this is why you are successful. What happens then is the individual begins to realize, hey, when I share this information it feels really good, I get positive responses, “a-ha!”, I’m going to do this more often.

4. Create Transformational Experiences
This one is really important, especially for anyone who wants to be remembered and highly impact the lives of others.

You need to create transformational experiences, because most experts out there tend to be forgotten. When people go to a lecture they tend to forget 80% of it within three to four days, and that’s if they apply it immediately. If they don’t apply it, they forget almost all of it.

But with transformational trainers it’s the opposite. They tend to be remembered for years and years afterwards because they connect to their audience in a deep and authentic way.

They create these transformational experiences, which have a deep emotional impact on the individuals they are training. And we know that when you have an emotional experience, you have a much greater memory, and you’re grateful to the person who helped you transform.

5. Give people a proven system
Most experts and trainers out there just give people information and advice, but transformational trainers give people a proven system that they can follow to achieve guaranteed results.

Part of that system is transforming the being, and another part is knowing how to set up an exercise, and what to do when people react certain ways. But ultimately, it’s about having a system that will move people from point A to point B.

if you know the combination to a lock, it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, young or old, male or female, went to college, didn’t go to college, have a high IQ or a low IQ, you know the lock will open when you use the right combination. And so a system is like a combination, but if you’re missing one number, the lock won’t open. If you have the numbers in the wrong order, the lock won’t open. So a system is something that produces a consistent and predictable result every single time. And so what we teach people is a system of how to help people move from point A to point B, and if you do it correctly it always works.

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