5 steps to clean up your CV

clean up your CVIt is important to have your CV up to a high standard in order to secure a job interview. Most employers will spend less time looking at your CV than it will take you to read the introduction to this article. In order to stand out, you need to take some steps to ensure that you make an immediate impression. CareerBuilder is here to help! By following our 5 simple steps, you should have a CV that is as clean as a whistle!

Don’t ignore the job description
A major part of any CV is the cover letter. It is important to tailor each cover letter to each position you apply for. Read the job description a few times and really try to understand what is required. If you can tick all the boxes in your cover letter, the employer is more likely to read on.

Employers do not have a lot of time on their hands and fishing for information should be made easy. Clearly label each part of your CV, for example, Career Profile and Education and bold the headings. Use a professional font (Arial or Calibri) and stick to a reasonable font size (10-12). Always include your name and contact details at the top of your CV.

That’s old news
Include a full career profile but remember an employer does not need an in-depth description of the responsibilities you had at your Saturday job when you were 16. Only include detailed information on your last two roles, unless older positions highlight skills that are required for the role you are applying for.

Highlight your achievements
Relate achievements to previous employment in a positive way. Use positive language such as organised, achieved and accomplished. This will show an employer that you strive for results.

Keep up to date!
If you want to secure that interview, keep your CV up to date. Keep note of all the sites or job boards that have your CV on record and update it regularly with latest achievements, promotions or added responsibilities in your current role. The more skills you have, the more desirable you are to employers.

With all this in mind, you will now be on your way to job seeking success. StaffNurse and CareerBuilder are here to assist you on your journey to a better career. Look back through our articles on both CareerBuilder and StaffNurse for CV advice and interviews tips.

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