Income protection programmes serve as a back-up to employees’ salaries in the event that an employee is sick, disabled or no longer able to work. Some countries mandate income protection ...
Many organisations further enhance the recruitment process to help ensure that they choose the best available candidate, often using additional tools such as assessment centers, presentations ...
Monitoring employee performance is of course an on-going activity, but for new employees, evaluation should have the following defined phases:
End of first day/week – a quick ‘how ...
Every employee remembers their first few days in a job and if that experience is below standard, you may quickly find that you will have a disgruntled or at least a less than happy ...
Question technique is a vital skill for the interviewer. You will use questions in an interview to:
Relax the candidate.
Encourage them to open up.
Probe their background.
The old saying of ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail’ is particularly true in relation to interviewing. If you are going to have any real chance of finding the most suitable ...
It has already been established that interviews are a very subjective method of evaluating the suitability of a candidate and some guidance has been provided above on how you might ...
Consider the following questions:
Have you completed a job analysis whereby job descriptions and person specification (employee profiles) have been drafted for key positions?
Listening is a skill designed to encourage the candidate to speak up more and to prevent you from doing all the talking. We often assume that as we have two ears and don’t have any ...
There are many advantages associated with the implementation of a performance management system. A performance management system can make the following important contributions: