Checklist for virtual job interviews

Preparing for a virtual job interview may not be the same as an in-person meeting, but by keeping a few key factors in mind, you can leave a strong impression on the employer.

Here are some points to ensure you’re fully prepared and confident for your virtual interview:

✅ Tech and camera Setup:

▪️ Make sure your internet connection is strong.
▪️ Use a laptop or computer for better stability.
▪️ Check your camera and microphone work.
▪️ Make sure your camera is at eye level.
▪️ Close extra computer tabs and apps

✅ Dress code and appearance:

▪️ Dress professionally and avoid wearing casual or flashy clothes.
▪️ Groom yourself like you would for an in-person interview.

✅ Environment:

▪️ Find a quiet spot where you won’t be interrupted by outside or inside noise.
▪️ Remove things around you that could be distracting.
▪️ Sit facing a window or a well-lit room.

✅ Preparation and research:

▪️ Research the company thoroughly.
▪️ Practice the most common interview questions.
▪️ Make a list of important questions to ask at the end.

📌 Important points:

▪️ Keep your phone nearby, just in case your computer has a problem.
▪️ Share your phone number with the interviewer so they can reach you if needed.
▪️ Have a practice call with a friend or anyone to make sure everything works well.

Ultimately, the key to a successful virtual interview is proper preparation. From ensuring your technology is working to conducting research before the meeting, sitting down at your computer poised and preparing for the important questions will help set you apart from other candidates.

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