Common Reasons for Interviews Failing

Finally in this section, it is useful to consider the common causes of failed interviews:
>>Lack of preparation
If either party is unprepared then the interview is unlikely to be successful. If the interviewer is unprepared, then he or she cannot provide an environment that will enable the candidate to portray themselves in the best light.
>>Judgement made too early
Too often the interviewer makes up his or her mind too early (often in the first few minutes). This is totally subjective and does not allow the candidate a fair chance.
>>Unstructured interviews
If the interviewer has no set format to follow, then each interview will be conducted differently. This does not allow for a common assessment of candidates to take place. When this does happen the interviewer usually makes their judgement solely on what they liked or disliked about their candidate. In such circumstances, when asked why they rejected a candidate they often give vague reasons such as, “there was something about them I didn’t like’.
>>Interview environment
If the interview is conducted in a location that is uncomfortable for one or both parties then this will affect the outcome of the interview.
>>Too many interviews
If too many candidates are interviewed on the same day, then those arriving later in the afternoon will have to work harder to create a good impression. As interviewers become tired they are harder to impress.
>>Poor interviewing skills
Many interviewers do not work to improve their skills. They make some or all of the mistakes identified above. In addition to these, other common problems are that they often:
 Ask badly worded questions which don’t allow the candidate to open up.
 Do too much talking during the interview.
 Become confrontational with candidates.
 Allow prejudices to influence their decisions.
Keep these points in mind as you plan future interviews.

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