Conducting an Interview

There is a well-known and easy to apply structure for conducting interviews known as the WASP approach. It enables you to offer a similar format to each candidate, thereby ensuring consistency in the interviewing process and assisting your evaluation at the end.
During this initial phase of the interview you should:
 Establish Rapport – Break the Ice. A relaxed candidate will perform better.
 Explain the purpose of the interview.
 Outline the format for the interview with approximate timings.
 Inform the candidate that you will be taking notes.
>>Acquire Information
In this phase of the interview you are seeking to gather as many relevant details from the candidate as possible so that you can make an informed decision about their suitability.
 Begin with general questions before moving to the more specific.
 Use your question technique to explore background, attitudes, suitability etc., relevant to the employee profile and job description.
 Probe to explore any ‘gaps’- but do not interrogate them.
 Let the candidate speak, use your listening skills!!! They should speak for 80% of the time.
 Remember as you assess the candidate they are also assessing you and making some judgements about you and the company.
>>Supply Information
Once you have obtained all the relevant information you need, then you should allow the candidate to ask you questions about the position. You should ensure that you:
 Outline the job description in greater detail giving an overview of their potential role in the company.
 Provide the candidate with details on the salary and conditions associated with the position.
 Answer any remaining interviewee questions.
>>Plan and Part
The final part of the interview is designed to ensure that both parties leave the interview fully aware of the next steps in the selection process. You should:
 Ask to check references – you do need permission to do so.
 Discuss salary if not mentioned already
 Give timetable for your decision and how they will be notified
 Thank them
In some cases you may wish to provide the candidate with a tour of your facilities. This can be done at this stage but inform them at the outset.

Ref: Fáilte Ireland

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