Constraints of Recruitment

Certain elements of the organization may limit the capacity of the organization to influence prospective candidates. These constraints may be roughly categorized as social system constraints, policy constraints, financial constraints, legal constraints, job requirements and incentives union requirement. These are discussed below for better understanding:

1. System Constraints: System constraints are the values, attitude and norms as well as organizations self-concept that critically limits the choice of recruitment source.

2. Policy Constraints: Policy constraints includes compensation policies, employment status policies, promote from within policies, hiring part time temporary employees only etc. that may deter potential candidates not to apply for the vacancies.

3. Financial Constraints: The cost of identifying and attracting recruits is an ever-present limitation (Werther and Davis, 1996). Study reveals that the average cost of employment is over $7000 per new employee, even college recruiting can cost as much as $ 6000 per hire, higher level recruiting cost $ 30,000 per hire (Hallett, 1986:22). This financial involvement deters many organizations not to go after an optimum recruitment process.

4. Legal Constraints: Laws have become increasingly restrictive with respect to an organizations’ ability to recruit. Quota, equal opportunity legislation and others have made constraints in getting the options available to recruiters.

5. Requirements and Incentives Constraints: Job requirements, qualifications requirements, special offers as inducements etc act as deterrent as these are not satisfactory or compatible with the labour market conditions or not competitive. These restrict many prospective candidates from applying.

6. Union Constraints: Unionized organizations may have the union screening and approval for asking prospective job applicants to apply. This situation creates serious restraint in management’s freedom to open vacancies for a wide range of applicants.

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