How do interviewers select qualified candidates?

We all know that getting a good job is almost like getting a golden deer. And those who get this golden deer are lost. The first question that arises in their minds is that the organization hires staff?

There are some common myths in our society that jobs are not available without the insistence of uncle or uncle, or candidates with good academic results, not getting a job means that it was already decided who will get the job. In fact employers always try to select the most qualified person for their organization, with few exceptions.

Mainly the interviewer evaluates three important factors.

Firstly, whether the person will be able to perform the important tasks of the post for which he will be recruited. Second, is the job candidate’s personality (thinking, behavior, interpersonal skills) compatible with the organization’s work culture and values? Thirdly, does he have the mentality of working in this organization for a long time? Now the question is how will the interviewer understand that you are the most suitable person for that position? Usually the viva board looks at some skill parameters like: How much the job candidate knows about the job (job description) for which he is interviewing. How successful he is in his work if he has previous experience of similar work. While measuring this we who are on the interview board often ask questions like; What challenges do you currently face while working? Or what is the most challenging part of this job, and how do you deal with it? In that case the experienced and qualified job aspirants know their job very well and share their experience of how they have tackled the various challenges of their job.

But the decision has to be made a little differently in the case of completely inexperienced people. In this case the decision is made by evaluating their academic / subject related knowledge as well as their level of interest in work, interest in learning, organizing capability and growth mindset. Apart from this, their confidence level and communication skills also play a very important role.

And so my advice for fresher candidates will be; Improve your communication skills, accumulate more volunteer work experience, join various event management activities in your educational institution. After all, no matter what subject you study; Try to have a clear idea about the fundamental concepts of that subject.

Then the second challenge is to prove yourself compatible with the work culture and values of that organization.

In that case the interviewers see if a job candidate knows the basic corporate etiquette on the interview board. Whether the candidate appears with proper dress and grooming. Whether he feels comfortable working in a team. This is also seen in his communication approach which proves how positive, gentle and proactive person he is.

So job seekers should practice corporate etiquette beforehand to make a good impression on the interview board. Apart from this, one should definitely go with proper formal grooming in case of any formal or informal job interview.

Finally, the interviewer should always take long-term job determination and refrain from expressing any negative attitude towards the job. By considering the above points and preparing for the interview, we can expect that our chances of succeeding in the next interview will increase to a great extent.

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