Impacts of Motavated Employees

Motivation is influenced by internal and external forces– social, biological, emotional, and cognitive stimuli. It directs the behavior of individuals so that everyone works hard together to achieve a predetermined goal.

A very simple example is when personal and company interests are aligned. In this case, the shared interests for both parties acts as a stimulus that encourages employee motivation. However, if the employee is demotivated, the losses that can occur are significant.

The dissatisfaction can be generated by different factors, such as problems with upper management, poor physical conditions in the workplace, lower than desired salary, setbacks in interpersonal and family relationships, etc.

In these cases, the negative impacts are:

=>> increased absenteeism

=>> increase in turnover

=>> reduction of productivity and performance

Motivation modifies this scenario and increases the chances of employee engagement. This is because they feel valued as an integral part of the company. In addition, the distinct recognition of their functions is essential for them to understand what their role is in the face of the results achieved.

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