Interview Questions Focused on You

21. How do you define success?
22. Do you prefer to work alone or in groups?
23. What’s the most recent book you’ve read?
24. If you could describe yourself in two words what would they be?
25. What most turns you off in a job?
26. If you were a billionaire, what would you do with your time?
27. What are you prepared to do with an employee who refuses to be a team player?
28. If you were given the opportunity, would you take my job from me?
29. What is your ideal job?
30. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being a hard worker and 10 being smart, where would you rate yourself?
31. How would you describe your personality?
32. How do you describe you analytical skill? Good, average or bad.
33. What would your best friend say about you?
34. What is your philosophy of selling?
35. What is the thing that frustrates you the most about work in general? Give examples.
36. Are you good at mutlitasking?
37. Are you self motivated/a self starter?
38. What’s an animal you most admire/relate to?
39. What do you want to accomplish?
40. What do you do for fun?
41. Who’s your mentor?
42. What are your hobbies?
43. What is your favorite website?
44. What makes you uncomfortable?
45. On a scale of 1-10, how aggressive are you?
46. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?
47. Can you easily build rapport?
48. How do you think other people think of you?
49. What do you see yourself in 10 years, and how did you get there?
50. Do you prefer Quality or Quantity?
51. Which is better to work on, improving one’s strengths or one’s weaknesses?
52. Who is your biggest inspiration?
53. Do you like constant change?
54. How do you communicate when you are unsatisfied?
55. What video games do you play?
56. What core value of the organization most resonates with you?
57. Do you find it difficult to talk to and meet new people?
58. What does integrity mean to you?
59. How will you achieve a work/life balance?
60. What is the most competitive thing you did last week that wasn’t related to work?
61. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
62. Would you say you are a person who loves to win or hates to lose?
63. What is your biggest regret?
64. Describe your personality
65. What is your management style?
66. Who is your hero?

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