Methods of Measuring of Training Effectiveness

There are several methods available for measuring the effectiveness of the training. They are:

1) Questionnaire (Feedback form) or happiness sheets are a common way of eliciting trainee responses to courses and programmes.

2) Tests or examinations are common on formal courses, which provide a certificate, (test-retest method).

3) Projects are initially seen as learning methods but they can also provide valuable information to instructors.

4) Structured exercises and case studies are opportunities to apply learned skills and techniques under the observation of tutors and evaluators.

5) Tutor reports: Report of the trainers’ about trainees’ containing valuable assessment from a different perspective.

6) Interviews of trainees: It is done at post-course or instruction period. Interview may be taken informally or formally, individually or in group or by telephone.

7) Observation: Observation of courses and training by those devising training strategies in the training department and received information would be compared with trainee responses.

8) Participation and discussion during training needs.

9) Experimental control group method: Two groups are established which are comparable as to skills, intelligence, and learning abilities and evaluated on their actual job performances.

10) Pre-post performance method: Each trainee is evaluated prior to training and rated on actual job performance. After instruction is completed the trainees are revaluated.

11) Test-retest method: Trainees are given a test before they begin the programme and trainees retake the same test after completion of the training. The resultant figure would exhibit the contribution of the training.

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